Monthly Archives

July 2020


Rain Rain, Go Away

I was looking out my window this morning thinking how nice the rain was. July suddenly didn’t feel like July. And some extra water for the plants and trees in July is always good. Unless you’re building something. Like the Farmhouse project. Crap! On a scale of 1 to 10,…
Clint Thomson
July 31, 2020

Christmas Time Again?

Merry Christmas in July!! Wait. You’re not celebrating? Thank God! I’m not either. While I am all for Christmas decorations, once a year is enough. And even then, the thought of putting up the Christmas tree in our post-Thanksgiving haze is daunting. I cannot imagine doing that in the middle…
Clint Thomson
July 24, 2020

Off and Running!

How long will design take? That’s one of the questions I hear most during a prospective client interview. And I usually tell them within reason, we can move as fast as they can make decisions. Which is why mine and James’ renovation took two years before construction started. However, once…
Clint Thomson
July 17, 2020


Today is Bastille Day, the French holiday celebrating the storming of the Bastille. Or for you Francophiles, la Fête nationale. However, as I am neither French nor revolutionary, today would have simply gone by with little muss or fuss. Except lately I find myself missing the one place in the…
Clint Thomson
July 14, 2020

Are We Proud Yet?

We are at the end of Pride for 2020. In all fairness we are proud year-round, but it is now the end of Pride month. To say this year was more unusual than most is an understatement. Especially coming off the fanfare surrounding last year’s 50th anniversary of the Stonewall…
Clint Thomson
July 3, 2020
Spotted Dog Architecture