Monthly Archives

June 2021


Gone to the Dogs

I’m meeting a lot of dogs lately. Not bad potential clients or projects. Actual dogs. More and more, I show up for that first meeting to find that the owners have at least one pup running about the house. Which always leads to the question: “Are you okay with dogs?”…
June 25, 2021

Same Heat. Same Humidity. Same Smell.

Honestly, New Orleans should just make that part of their travel branding. Stepping out of the car at the hotel last weekend, we realized we might not be prepared for the heat and the humidity after nearly two years away. Except we didn’t really care. We were just happy to…
June 18, 2021
architectureFood for thought

Talk Talk

In 2010, one of my business partners at the time goaded me into submitting a speaking proposal for a state conference. Neither of us had presented at a conference before, so this would be a first for us both. What’s the worst that could happen? Minnesota at the start of…
June 4, 2021
Spotted Dog Architecture