


Dog Days Every Day

Happy National Take Your Dog to Work Day! So who’s taking their dog to the office? Oh yeah. These days that’s pretty much most of us who have a dog. While having to adjust to the sudden shift to working from home has been pretty sucky, at least we’ve had…
Clint Thomson
June 26, 2020


I had to put on pants on Monday. Not that I spend my days at home running around pantless. I do have some standards – and a lot of shorts. However, I was meeting with a client, and we were visiting a showroom. Neither one would have really cared about…
Clint Thomson
June 19, 2020

Holiday Madness

I received a text from my sister a few days before Thanksgiving to let me know that they had voted, and James and I were hosting Christmas Eve at our house this year. (I mentioned that briefly in last month’s post.) But they voted and somehow forgot to include me…
Clint Thomson
January 10, 2020

Vacation Finds

It’s December, which means two things: One – Christmas is just around the corner. This year, my sisters voted to have James and I host the family Christmas Eve get-together. And no, we didn’t get a vote. Two – our annual trek to Key West is almost here. This year’s…
Clint Thomson
December 6, 2019
Spotted Dog Architecture