


Details Are A Bit Furry

Did that guy have a tail? I spent the end of last week in San Antonio at the Texas Society of Architects annual conference. And although this was the first in-person conference in two years, everything – and I mean everything – felt pretty much the same. Continuing education sessions.…
October 15, 2021
businessFood for thought

Non-Virtual Event

How’s that for saying “live conference” without actually saying it? In two weeks, I will not only be attending but also helping to moderate a panel at the Texas Society of Architects (TxA) annual conference in San Antonio. And in person no less! Saying that out loud sounds a bit…
September 24, 2021
architectureFood for thought

Talk Talk

In 2010, one of my business partners at the time goaded me into submitting a speaking proposal for a state conference. Neither of us had presented at a conference before, so this would be a first for us both. What’s the worst that could happen? Minnesota at the start of…
June 4, 2021

A19 Conference Experience

A’19 in Review There are two things I try to do every year as an architect, professional, and firm owner: 1) speak at an architecture conference; and 2) attend the American Institute of Architect’s (AIA) annual conference. Since 2010, I’ve been a session presenter at conferences in the Midwest, South,…
Big Gay Architect
July 9, 2019
Spotted Dog Architecture